Participate in Psychological Research Studies and Earn Easy Money!

What are Psychological Research Studies?
Psychological research studies are used to gather normative data. Test norming involves establishing baseline data for various cognitive assessments. These studies are crucial for ensuring that the assessments are reliable and valid across different populations and contexts.
Norming studies involve recruiting diverse groups of participants who represent the normal population. Participants are asked to complete a specific cognitive assessment under standardized conditions. The data is then collected and analyzed to determine the typical or average performance, as well as the range of scores that are considered typical for different groups.
Norming studies are essential for developing and validating new psychological tests, questionnaires, and other assessment tools used. in clinical psychology. Your participation helps researchers refine these tests, making them more accurate and reliable for future use in clinical and research settings.
Who can participate?
Anyone from the ages of 3-90+ with an interest in psychology and cognitive/neuroscience is welcome to join! No prior experience is necessary.
People from all backgrounds (gender, age, race/ethnicity, education level, etc.) are encouraged to participate.
We are particularly interested in working with participants who have previous diagnoses of ADHD, Learning Disorder, Autism, and more.
What does participation involve?
Participation typically involves completing a series of engaging cognitive tasks and/or questionnaires. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for research purposes. You will be compensated based on the type of task that you complete.
Each task typically takes 30-90 minutes to complete. You may be eligible to complete multiple tasks in one appointment, increasing your compensation.
Why participate?
Earn extra income for your participation! Each task typically pays $10-100, usually via Amazon gift card directly from the test publisher.
You will also gain insight into your own cognitive abilities, and receive appreciation for your valuable contribution to research.
How do I get involved?
Click the green “Patient Portal” button in the menu above to book a 15-minutes research consultation phone call. Complete the requested demographic information and Dr. Sedlak will call you at your chosen time to determine your eligibility and discuss next steps.
Once your eligibility is confirmed, Dr. Sedlak will schedule you for an in-person appointment to complete the appropriate tasks. The appointment may take as little as 30 minutes or as long as several hours, depending on which assessments you are scheduled to complete.
You will be compensated for your time! Payment comes directly from the test publisher and may take 2-3 weeks, depending on the task(s) completed.